I know the hiring of an agent can be frustrating and most buyers and sellers typically hire the agent they know. It’s usually someone their parents know, their friend hired or Aunt Suzy. I too have been hired by this process. It may make your decision easier, however not the wisest.
I truly believe that when listing a home it is imperative that you hire someone who is very experienced in your area. What you should do is ask the agent you “know” for a referral of someone in your area. They will receive a referral fee and still feel like you respect their opinion and expertise. If you are hiring a new agent just make sure they have a mentor or manager who is coaching them through the process and they are benefiting from their experience and knowledge.
You as the client should be interviewing at least 2 agents. Every agent should be able to breakdown step by step their customized marketing plan that will explain to you how they plan on selling your home in the quickest amount of time for the most money.
As a buyer interviewing an agent you want to ask how long they have been licensed, do they have relationships with other agents in the areas you are interested in (this will help you get the inside track on any homes that have not yet been listed) and what are their negotiating techniques.
You need to feel comfortable talking with an agent and be able to ask questions or express any concerns. Let your agent know what is the best way to communicate with you whether it be by phone, face to face, text or by email.
Remember, in any case this is a large amount of money. Make sure you understand the process and that you express your expectations. A good agent will keep you informed and appreciate your business.